Betty and Romania.
My two newest friends.
I decided to go and visit the rest home a couple blocks down from my house! The two ladies that were available to be visited were Betty and Romania! They are both such beeeaaauuutiful women! I asked them about their lives, and families, and the experiences they have had. I asked them for advice for my life. Here's a little of what they told me.
Romania kept telling me that all she wanted was all daughters. She had 3 sons. But she wouldn't trade the experiences with them for the world! They ate anything she would cook!! They would keep her active and in the mountains having constant adventures!
Lesson learned: You can't have everything you want in life, but you can count your blessings for the things you do have. You can't change your situation, but you can choose your attitude.
Betty was from Spanish Fork, a very close neighboring city, and she raved about her family, some of them which I actually knew! Betty loved her husband more than anything in this world. She said he treated her with so much respect, and that if anyone said anything rude to her, or if anyone was angry with her, he was the first one to come to her aid and defend her. She spoke of him like he was the most valuable thing. I felt like I was listening to a modern day fairy tale, but the best part about it was that it was real life!
Lesson learned: Find a young man that will treat me like a princess, and don't settle for anything less. Also, family is a gift, and I can make decisions to make it even better.
One of my favorite moments while I was there, (which couldn't be more perfect) was when Romania grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes and told me that I was a very beautiful girl. After thoroughly thanking her, I looked her right in the eye and told her the very same thing; that she was a very beautiful woman. I think this caught her off guard, because tears came to her eyes, but she didn't say anything. I wondered how long it had been since someone had told her that. It was a blessing for me to be able to tell her. I truly do find her, and Betty, genuinely beautiful. Their experiences, and overwhelming love for their families were inspirational! I look forward to having that! I walked away from that building feeling amazing! I smiled the whole way home as I reviewed the conversations I had! I learned so much! Oh my gosh! I love those ladies. I'll forever be grateful for that, and I plan on having a lot more moments and conversatios like that! How can I not pay it forward!? I refuse to live a selfish life anymore! Look out world!